Design + Art Direction

EF Go Ahead | Video

Assisted in the scriptwriting, art direction, and overall production of several videos throughout Italy and France to highlight EF Go Ahead’s Food & Wine portfolio.

Across a 14-day shoot, I worked with a talented team of videographers, writers, tour guides, and actors to help produce a series of videos highlighting the delicious food and wine of these European staples

 EF Go Ahead Tours Videos

Behind the scenes of a EF Go Ahead Tours video shoot. People sitting at a table eating while a video crew stands behind them

EF Go Ahead Tours Food & Wine Portfolio


Assisted in the scriptwriting, art direction, and overall production of several videos throughout Italy and France to highlight EF Go Ahead’s Food & Wine portfolio.

Across a 14-day shoot, I worked with a talented team of videographers, writers, tour guides, and actors to help produce a series of videos highlighting the delicious food and wine of these European staples


EF Go Ahead Tour’s Guide to Italian Apertitivo Culture

EF Go Ahead Tour’s Guide to Limoncello in Italy

EF Go Ahead Tour’s Guide to Gelato in Italy


Travel & Leisure’s Worlds-Best Award Campaign


EF Go Ahead Tours was lucky enough to be nominated for a Travel + Leisure World’s Best Award.

To celebrate our nomination for "Best Tour Operator", I worked with the video team to art direct three short videos for our social channels. Go Ahead Tours wasn't the biggest or most prominent nominee, so we wanted these videos to feel like they were coming from a warmer, more accessible voice.


The first of the three videos. We wanted to make sure there was a human feel to the "Aw, shucks" messaging so we created handheld signs and showered them in confetti.

The second video in the series, where we revealed the T&L World's Best logo through branded "Go Ahead" cupcakes.

Our final celebratory video elevated the Aw, shucks line by revealing the message with some celebratory balloons.


EF Go Ahead Tours: Travel Hacks


Collaborated with the production team at EF to direct a series of video explaining some "travel hacks” on how to best pack for upcoming trips. These videos were used across social and digital touchpoints including our Facebook and Instagram channels

Travel Hack: Packing Jewelry

Travel Hack: Frst-Aid Kit